Salmon, so delicious, I cried!

Tonight's dinner was so simple and yet brilliant in its simplicity. Yes, after eating it, I actually cried. Just overwhelmed at the flavor and the joys of life. Low fat and low carb, and suitable for a weeknight meal when you're pressed for time, or aboard ship when you don't want to waste a lot of propane for the oven. This is incredibly delicious!!!! Destined to be one of my signature dishes!

Salmon & seasoned vegetables (serves 2)

In a large shallow baking pan or casserole, combine 1/2 red onion, sliced roughly, 1 medium yam or sweet potato, sliced about 1/4 inch thickness, 1/2 of a sliced green pepper, and a handful of sliced mushrooms. Drizzle a goodly amount of olive oil and season with kosher salt and lots of coarsely ground pepper. Put in a 400 degree oven for 10 minutes. In the meantime, take a 3/4 to 1# salmon filet and slather it with dijon mustard, sprinkle with chopped fresh basil, chopped almonds and plenty of salt and pepper. When the veggies are done at 10 minutes, place the salmon filet on top of the veggies, cover with foil (careful, it's all hot!) and bake for another 15-20 minutes (depending upon the thickness of the salmon). Uncover and be ready to enjoy a culinary epiphany!


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